Artist: Hassan K. / Edi Pou
Title: Split Album
Catalogue No: XN 017
Format: LP
Duration: 40 mins
Edition: 300
Released: 18 August 2023
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp

Artist: Lumpen Nobleman
Title: A Retrospective Mixtape: 2011–2022
Catalogue No: XN 016
Format: Digital
Duration: 60 mins
Edition: N/A
Released: 18 November 2022
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp

Artist: Various
Title: Contra Pop Festival 2019: Fifteen Jazz Funk Skates
Catalogue No: XN 015
Format: CD
Duration: 73 mins
Edition: 500
Released: 20 August 2022
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp and Monorail (Kings Court, Glasgow).
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Artist: Lumpen Nobleman
Title: A Return To Form
Catalogue No: XN 014
Format: Digital
Duration: 11 mins
Edition: N/A
Released: 13 March 2022
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp
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Artist: Hassan K
Title: Isteghna
Catalogue No: XN 013 / OT35 / CHEAP666/062
Format: LP
Duration: 41 mins
Edition: 300
Released: 30 April 2021
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp (UK), October Tone (FRA & RoW), Cheap Satanism (BEL)
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Artist: Lumpen Nobleman ft. Helena Celle, Coldnose, Don’t DJ, Joe Howe,
Manu Louis, Mariam Rezaei, Sad Man and Adrian Sherwood
Title: Errors and Remedies
Catalogue No: XN 012
Format: LP
Duration: 44 mins
Edition: 500
Released: 11 December 2020
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp, Monorail Glasgow and Juno Records

Artist: Lumpen Nobleman
Title: The Curious Case of Benjamin B*e*n*a*s*s*i
Catalogue No: XN 011
Format: Digital
Duration: 5 mins
Edition: N/A
Released: 22 April 2020
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp
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Artist: Various
Title: Contra Pop Festival 2018: The Third and Tidal Report
Catalogue No: XN 010
Format: 2 x CD
Duration: 122 mins
Edition: 1,000
Released: 17 August 2019
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp
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Artist: Lumpen Nobleman
Title: The Kind Man
Catalogue No: XN 009
Format: 7" Dub plate & digital
Duration: 6 mins
Edition: One-off
Released: 25 April 2019
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp
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Artist: Lumpen Nobleman
Catalogue No: XN 008
Format: Digital
Duration: 16 mins
Edition: N/A
Released: 28 March 2019
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp

Artist: Lumpen Nobleman
Catalogue No: XN 007
Format: Digital
Duration: 20 mins
Edition: N/A
Released: 28 February 2019
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp

Artist: Various
Title: Contra Pop Festival 2016: The Second Ahistorical Report
Catalogue No: XN 006
Format: 2 x CD
Duration: 124 mins
Edition: 1,000
Released: 4 August 2018
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp and Monorail (Kings Court, Glasgow).
Artist: Keir Neuringer and Matt Wright
Title: Speak Cities
Catalogue No: XN 005
Format: CD
Duration: 61 mins
Edition: 1,000
Released: 18 April 2017
Available from: Extra Normal Bandcamp and Monorail (Kings Court, Glasgow)
Speak Cities is a follow up to Trance Map, Matt Wright’s critically acclaimed 2011 duo record with regular collaborator Evan Parker. Working here with Philadelphia-based saxophonist Keir Neuringer, who considers Parker an important mentor, Wright spent two years assembling the six tracks that make up Speak Cities in his Canterbury UK studio after an April, 2013 recording session in Brooklyn’s Seizure’s Palace.
But Speak Cities is not merely a studio composition made up of samples of Neuringer’s alto and Wright’s turntables. Nor is it an edit of in-studio improvisations. What we hear is something akin to a Neuringer solo – the emotional intensity and performative acrobatics that marked his 2014 solo double LP Ceremonies Out of the Air – and something similarly akin to a Wright composition, with its obsessive and unpredictable repetitions and elastic structures.
The architectural grids of the city might find a neat metaphor in the beats and bars of formally composed music, but here Neuringer and Wright are interested not in the city as place, but the city as lived experience, full of contours and contradictions, chatter, murmuring and wails.
Matt Wright and Keir Neuringer met in 2002 while studying composition at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague. Finding quick affinities in their overlapping musical roots – spanning European avant-garde concert music and improvisation, American hip-hop and jazz, and English club music – they began working together soon after, playing each other’s works, improvising together, and eventually forming the trio MTK (with computer musician Tom Tlalim), which during its few years of existence in the mid-aughts made several tours of England and the European continent. After a few years’ break, during which both musicians relocated several times and became fathers, they return with the smudges, glitches, and wails of Speak Cities, beginning the next stage of their collaborative work.
Speak Cities is released on CD by Extra Normal Records on Tuesday 18 April 2017.
Please find Speak Cities in its natural habitat below, surrounded by other fantastic experimental selections by Shaun Blezard on his Towards the Margins radio show broadcast on Sunday 26th March 2017.

Artist: Various
Title: Contra Pop Festival 2015: An Ahistorical Document
Catalogue No: XN 004
Format: 2 x CD
Duration: 140 mins
Edition: 1,000
Released: 20 August 2016
Stockists: Island Vintage (High St., Ramsgate), Transmission Records (Northdown Rd., Cliftonville), Norman Records (online), Monorail (Kings Court, Glasgow) and Sounds of the Universe, Broadwick St., London.
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Artist: Lumpen Nobleman
Title: Needle of Death
Catalogue No: [N/A]
Format: 12" Dub plate
Duration: 20 mins
Edition: One-off
Released: May 2014
Commissioned by: Anne-Marie Watson
Stockists: [Not commercially available.]
Displayed and accessed via the ffooaamm record archive.
For more information, click here.

Artist: Lumpen Nobleman
Title: A Magnificent Stone Near Nazarovo
Catalogue No: XN 003
Format: Cassette
Duration: 67 mins
Edition: 100
Released: 27 May 2013
Stockists: Norman Records (online)
and Monorail (Kings Court, Glasgow)

Artist: Lumpen Nobleman
Title: Grusha
Catalogue No: XN 001
Format: LP
Duration: 42 mins
Edition: 300
Released: June 2011, available from:
Norman Records, Piccadilly and Rough Trade