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Ya Tosiba
Ya Tosiba

Ya Tosiba's intricate mixture of Scandinavian electronics and traditional eastern music has brought her to many stages.
Extremely diverse in her influences, Zuzu Zakaria blends Persian, Turkish, Arabic, Azerbaijani and other sources together.

Ya Tosiba's shaman groove was born when Helsinki-based Azerbaijani mystic, Zakaria, hiked the backwaters of her heritage to make field recordings of perhaps Earth’s earliest freestyle rappers – Meykhana (‘winehouse’) word artists; Baku beat poets; subversives since the Dark Ages who use wine-infused verse to grip the listener with their outlaw energy. Meykhana was prohibited in Soviet Azerbaijan.

Zakaria has collaborated with Jimi Tenor, Mouse on Mars, Baba Zula, Patric Catani and others.
Ya Tosiba started as a duo, and currently performs both as a solo project and a duo.