TOMAGA is two musicians actively deconstructing their normal sonic palette in search of a new and unfamiliar sound world. Having played as musicians for many years in bands such as Shit N Shine, The Oscillation, Neon Neon, Raime, Voice Of Seven Thunders, and countless others, TOMAGA channels various forms of multi-instrumentalism into music that moves by turns through industrial, jazz, psychedelia and minimalism, on its way to somewhere wholly other.
Rather than the complex, abstract sound that we might have expected to result from their totally unfettered musical explorations, the duo’s minimalist compositions are darkly psychedelic, elusive and deeply imbued with images – as though they have set some curiously unsettled, surreal dreams to music. After their first, self-produced cassette, Sleepy Jazz For Tired Cats, which was released in 2013, TOMAGA released the acclaimed Futura Grotesk LP on the Hands in the Dark label. They have a new cassette released on London’s Blank Editions to coincide with their earlier 2015 dates.